Contextualising student views: reflection upon entry and exit engagement in a regional biomedical science program


  • Nina Fotinatos University of Ballarat


There are many student characteristics that influence the conceptual overview of the teaching-learning process. Common characteristics include prior knowledge, learning style, personality and attitude, In addition, the intersection of students’ personal, educational and work experience history upon entering higher education also influences their entry perceptions into a program/ course of study. Gaining insight into these 3 key elements early with new and existing cohorts potentially enables lecturers to develop improved respectful relationships with their students and a better understanding of their learning journey. Similarly, when student cohorts exit a program/course of study, a rigorous approach to collecting, analysing and reflecting on student feedback can have a profound effect on improving constructive alignment practices including learning and teaching strategies. This presentation demonstrates how simple early engaging activities using the 4 bird-type personality test and a 3-way road map discussion can be useful in building respectful sustainable relationships between students, their lecturer and themselves. Identifying personality types can also assist in team related assessment practices. The presentation also demonstrates the use of exit focus group qualitative research in identifying both positive and negative themes that lecturers and administrators may find useful in the reflective process embedded within the scholarship of learning and teaching.

Author Biography

  • Nina Fotinatos, University of Ballarat
    Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching (School of Health Science) Senior Lecturer/Researcher (Biomedical & Public Health)


