Front matter and Introduction - Journal of the Sydney Society for Scottish History, Volume 4 (1996)


  • Malcolm D. Broun


One of the attractions of any society is that it brings a group of people

together to enjoy each other's company, exchange views about matters of

common interest, tell of recent experiences and perhaps to hear a bit of gossip.

In a real sense our monthly meetings have something of the character of a

party or social gathering. In a large city societies such as ours take the place

of the local pub or parish teas of close-knit communities. Scholarship is

essentially a lonely activity and a regular meeting place where scholars,

professional and amateur, can both recount their work, express their

conclusions and share the experiences of others, does valuable work. All over

Australia there are Historical Societies devoted to local history which, no

doubt, have the same features, even if we would perhaps perceive their focus

as somewhat narrower. All societies like to see themselves not as others see


Author Biography

  • Malcolm D. Broun





