2: The Function of Phosphates in Fermentation of Sugars (1933)


  • William John Young The University of Melbourne


Second Liversidge Research Lecture delivered to the Royal Society of New South Wales, November 8, 1933. Reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of New South Wales from J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 1933, 67, M1–M17.

"During recent years, evidence has been gradually accumulating that when sugars undergo degradation by biological means, phosphoric acid is an essential agent in the reactions which take place."

Author Biography

  • William John Young, The University of Melbourne


    In 1933, William John Young was Associate Professor and the Director of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Melbourne. He was also a consultant to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in what is now the Division of Food Science Australia at the CSIRO, and chairman of a committee at that institution concerned with citrus preservation. At that time he was also Chairman of the Australian College of Dentistry and President of the Royal Society of Victoria.


    For additional biographical information, references and a list of honours, awards and publications, please see pages 3–7 of the transcript. 

William John Young portrait.
