9: Electron Diffraction in the Chemistry of the Solid State (1952)


  • Albert Lloyd George Rees Chemical Physics Section, Division of Industrial Chemistry, CSIRO


Liversidge Research Lecture delivered to the Royal Society of New South Wales, July 17, 1952. Reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of New South Wales from J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 1952, 86, 38-54.

"Electron diffraction has been understood fairly completely, in a formal way at least, from a time shortly after the establishment of wave mechanics, but recent experimental advances have only now permitted some realization of its full potential in chemistry."

Author Biography

  • Albert Lloyd George Rees, Chemical Physics Section, Division of Industrial Chemistry, CSIRO


    After graduating as Dux, Head Prefect and School Captain of Carey Baptist Grammar School in Melbourne in 1933, Albert Lloyd George (Lloyd) Rees could not afford to attend university. Instead, he paid a visit to Dr David Rivett, the CEO of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (later to become the CSIRO), who was able to secure him part-time work while he studied a BSc part-time. Rees later took up a Beit Scientific Research Scholarship and completed his PhD in London, before working for the CSIRO until his retirement in 1978 – the same year he was named a Commander of the British Empire.


    For additional biographical information, photographic permissions, references and a list of honours, awards and publications, please see pages 2–4 of the transcript.


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Portrait of Albert Lloyd George Rees
