20: Coordination, Topology and Structure in Transition Metal Oxides (1976)


  • Raymond Leslie Martin Research School of Chemistry, The Australian National University


The Liversidge Research Lecture, delivered before the Royal Society of New South Wales, 15th July 1976. Reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of New South Wales from J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 1976, 109, 137-150.

"The role of defects in the real structure of transition metal oxides which exhibit gross departures from simple stoicheiometries† is reviewed. The classical notion of a randomized distribution of non-interacting point defects is no longer tenable being replaced by the emerging recognition that a high level of organization into discrete clusters or more extended assemblies of defects is an inherent feature of the real structure of defect solids. The concept of octahedral coordination of vacant oxygen sites, taken in conjunction with topological analysis, is shown to contribute considerable insight into the transformational and structural relationships between defect oxides of the fluorite type."

†Now usually spelled 'stoichiometries'.

Author Biography

  • Raymond Leslie Martin, Research School of Chemistry, The Australian National University


    In 1976, Raymond Leslie Martin was Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Research School of Chemistry, ANU. The next year, he was appointed as Vice-Chancellor and Professor at Monash University in his hometown of Melbourne. His research interests have been mainly in magnetochemistry, coordination chemistry, and chemistry of the solid state. In the 1980s and 1990s Ray Martin acted in various capacities in numerous institutional and national boards and committees in the Arts, Sciences and Business. He holds Emeritus Professorships at both ANU and Monash.


    For additional biographical information, photographic permissions, references and a list of honours, awards and publications, please see pages 2–4 of the transcript.


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Raymond Leslie Martin portrait.
