Flannery O’Connor: Reconciliation of Opposites
A 20th century American southern writer, Flannery O'Connor masterfully reconciled opposites - in her work and in her life. O'Connor's creative power fused two disparate disciplines: theology and fiction. Because her spiritual life was so deep and her knowledge of theology so strong, she wrote engaging fiction which contained insights into the deepest theological truths. In an era when many artists demanded total freedom to pursue their art, O'Connor grounded herself in Christian faith and life. She found that, rather than restrict her, such grounding gave her authentic freedom to see the world truly. A creative talent such as hers - unusual in every respect - needed powerful discipline to hone it to perfection. O'Connor's artistic discipline was legendary. She limited her scope to the parameters of her specific talent. In spite of continual illness, she wrote for three hours every morning (inspired or not) and spent the rest of the day recuperating from the effort.Downloads