Leionema paulii (Rutaceae), a new, range-restricted endemic species from south-eastern New South Wales, Australia





Leionema, Rutaceae, herbarium collections, Rare Species, Short-range Endemic


Leionema paulii G.P.Phillips (Rutaceae), a newly recognised species of restricted distribution from montane south-eastern New South Wales is here described. It is compared with the morphologically similar L. phylicifolium (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson, L. ceratogynum N.G.Walsh and L. lachnaeoides (A.Cunn.) Paul G.Wilson. The distribution, habitat and proposed conservation status for the new taxon are presented, and a modified key to the species of Leionema found in New South Wales is also included. Leionema paulii was previously recorded as a disjunct population of L. phylicifolium that was previously not represented by any herbarium specimens. This highlights the opportunity for further taxonomic discovery through the collection and analysis of specimens from more disjunct and discrete populations in genera that contain large numbers of narrow-range endemics.

Author Biography

  • Gavin Paul Phillips, Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust
    Conservation ecologist and field botanist, current role as Seedbank Officer for the Australian PlantBank at the Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan.


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