Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The proposer has read and accepted the AHSN's review processes, available here.
- The proposer is a subscriber to the AHSN e-newsletter, to ensure that they receive important information about the upcoming conference. You may subscribe to the e-newsletter and view archived e-newsletters at this link.
Instructions for submitting a proposal for the AHSN Conference
Please upload below your proposed abstract in a word doc or docx format, using Times New Roman 11 pt font, double spaced lines. Abstracts must be limited to 500 words ONLY including References (if required). Please do NOT use foot- or end-notes. Please retain a dated copy for your own records.
Submission Steps:
Step 1: START - Agree to submission checklist
Step 2: UPLOAD SUBMISSION - Upload your Word file
Step 3: ENTER METADATA - Please ensure you enter your affiliation/short bio
- Add proposal title
Step 4: SUPPLEMENTARY FILES - Click 'Save and Continue'
Step 5: CONFIRMATION - Click 'Finish Submission'
If at any stage you wish to review or edit what you have entered, please use the links located toward the top of the page
1. Start 2. Upload Submission 3. Enter Metadata 4. Upload Supplementary Files 5. Confirmation