Opossum Hot Pot: Cooking at the Margins in Colonial New Zealand


  • Lydia Wevers


History, Colonialism, Cooking


One of the most famous and well-read accounts of colonial life in New Zealand is Lady Barker’s Station Life in New Zealand in which she provides rich detail of daily life in the 1860s. Describing Christmas Day 1866, Lady Barker noted that it “is a point of honour to have as little mutton as possible on these occasions, as the greater treat is the complete change of fare.” She didn’t go as far as Opossum Hot Pot (“Skin and clean opossum and cut into pieces, removing backbone for a few inches up from the tail”), or even eel pie, but like most mid-century women in the colonies she struggled to provide nourishing food that resembled British culinary traditions. This paper looks at the stress points of colonial cooking in New Zealand, reading the provision of food as one of the primary borderlands of conflicting cultures, culinary desires, taboos and appetites.

Author Biography

  • Lydia Wevers
    Professor Lydia Wevers has recently retired from her post as Director of the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies at Victoria University of Wellington. Her published books include Country of Writing: Travel Writing About New Zealand 1809-1900 (2002), On Reading (2004) and Reading on the Farm: Victorian Fiction and the Colonial World (2010). She has edited and written many anthologies and papers on literary topics, and been an active member of both the Australasian Victorian Studies Association (AVSA) and the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL). Lydia is currently working on a history of colonial reading, focusing on Dickens and Trollope, which follows on from Reading on the Farm.


Works Cited

Barker, Lady M. A. Station Life in New Zealand. London: Macmillan, 1870.

——. “Christmas in New Zealand.” A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters. Part IV. London & NY: Macmillan, 1871.


——. Station Amusements in New Zealand. London: William Hunt, 1873. Early New Zealand Books http://www.enzb.auckland.ac.nz.

Baudrillard, Jean. Simula and Simulacra. trans. Paul Foss, Paul Patton and Philip Beitchman New York: Semiotext(e), 1983, original publication, 1981. 1-13, 23-49.

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