Australia Victrix: Francis Adams and The Melbournians (1892), a Romance of Nationalism


  • Meg Tasker


Francis Adams, The Melbournians, Australian history, Australian literature, gender, nationalism, Bertha Leith-Adams, romance fiction




Adams, Francis W.L. The Australians: A Social Sketch. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893.

Adams, Francis. The Melbournians. London: Eden Remington, 1892; Colonial Library. London and Sydney: Eden Remington, n.d.

Dixon, Robert. Writing the Colonial Adventure: Race, Gender and Nation in Anglo-Australian Popular Fiction, 1875-1914. Cambridge: CUP, 1995.

Giles, Fiona. “Romance: An Embarrassing Subject." Penguin New Literary History of Australia. Ed. L. Hergenhan. Ringwood: Penguin, 1988.

Harris, Margaret. "The Writing of Tasma, the Work of Jessie Couvreur." A Bright and Fiery Troop: Australian Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Debra Adelaide. Ringwood: Penguin, 1988.

Lake, Marilyn. "The Politics of Respectability: Identifying the Masculinist Context." Australian Historical Studies 22.86 (1986): 116-31; republished in Debutante Nation: Feminism Contests the 1890s. Eds. Susan Magarey, Sue Rowley and Susan Sheridan. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1993.

Leith-Adams, Mrs [Bertha]. Bonnie Kate: A Story from a Woman's Point of View. 3 vols. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co, 1891.

Sheridan, Susan. Along the Faultlines: Sex, Race and Nation in Australian Women's Writing, 1880s-1930s. St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen and Unwin, 1995.

Tasker, Meg. Struggle and Storm: The Life and Death of Francis Adams. Melbourne: MUP, 2001.




How to Cite

Tasker, M. (2020). Australia Victrix: Francis Adams and The Melbournians (1892), a Romance of Nationalism. Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies, 8(1), 77-87.