Re-Vitalising the Little People: Arthur Machen's Tales of the Remnant Races


  • Sage Leslie-McCarthy


Celtic history, Celtic Revival, nineteenth century, fairy mythology, Arthur Machen, literature




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Petersen, Karl Marius. “Arthur Machen and the Celtic Renaissance in Wales'" PhD Diss. Louisiana State U and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1973.

Punter, David. The Literature of Terror: A History of Gothic Fictions from 1765 to the Present Day. London: Longmans, 1980.

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Yeats, William Butler. W.B. Yeats. Ed. John Kelly. Everyman's Poetry. London: J.M, Dent,1997.







How to Cite

Leslie-McCarthy, S. (2020). Re-Vitalising the Little People: Arthur Machen’s Tales of the Remnant Races. Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies, 11(1), 65-78.