Poetry: Alexandra Lewis


  • Alexandra (Ali) Lewis University of Newcastle (Australia)



Author Biography

  • Alexandra (Ali) Lewis, University of Newcastle (Australia)

    Alexandra Lewis is Senior Lecturer in English and Creative Writing at the University of

    Newcastle (Australia). She was previously Director of the Centre for the Novel, and Undergraduate Programme Coordinator of Creative Writing, at the University of Aberdeen, and has also taught at the Universities of Warwick, Goldsmiths London, and Cambridge. Alexandra explores literature and psychology, trauma and memory, and her recent publications include the Norton Critical Edition of Wuthering Heights and an edited collection for Cambridge University Press, The Brontës and the Idea of the Human: Science, Ethics, and the Victorian Imagination. Alexandra’s poetry and fiction appear in Causeway/Cabhsair; The Interpreter’s House; Waymaking: An Anthology of Women’s Adventure Writing, Poetry and Art; Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature; Axon: Creative Explorations and Southerly.







Special Issue on 'Water'