Ripples of Water in the Letters and Novels of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury (22 August 1812 – 23 September 1880)


  • Helene Connor University of Auckland


This article explores ripples of water as a metaphor in the letters and novels of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury (1812 – 1880).  There is   a focus on the letters to Jane Walsh Carlyle (1801 – 1866) and Walter Baldock Durrant Mantell (1820 -1895) and the novels, Zoe: The History of Two Lives (1845) and The Half Sister: A Tale (1848).  Water as a metaphor reflects and embodies both the world being described and the process of honing that description in text (Mittlefehldt 137).   Throughout her letters and novels, the metaphor of water is used to reflect both the everyday and the romantic.  

Author Biography

  • Helene Connor, University of Auckland

    Helene Connor is an avid reader of Victorian literature and has a particular interest in the Mancunian novelists: Geraldine Jewsbury, Elizabeth Gaskell and Isabella Banks. Helene’s fourth great-grandfather, John George Cooke (1819–1880), had been a close friend of both Geraldine Jewsbury and Jane Carlyle. This connection has deepened her interest in Jewsbury as Cooke is often mentioned in her letters, and has provided many fascinating insights into the life of her ancestor. Helene is of Māori, English and Irish descent. She is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland.


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Sorrenson, Maurice Peter Keith. “Mantell, Walter Baldock Durrant.” Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. 1990. Web. 31 March 2024.

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Blythe, Helen, et al. “Water: An Introduction.”

Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies. 27:1 (2023). i-iv.

Bucke, Charles. The Book of Human Character. London: Knight, 1837.

Burnham Bloom, Abigail. Leading the Way for Victorian Women. Geraldine Jewsbury and Victorian Culture. Brighton: Edward Everett Root Publishers, 2019.

Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution: A History. London: James Fraser, 1837.

Chamberlain, Kathy. Jane Walsh Carlyle and her Victorian World. London: Duckworth Overlook P, 2017.

Connor, Helene. “Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury (1812-1880) Nineteenth Century Mancunian, Novelist and Literary Critic and her connections with Aotearoa, New Zealand.” Manchester: New Object Lessons. 2011. 1-22.

_____. “On Becoming ‘Colonially Bitten’: The Reminiscences of John George Cooke and his Sojourn to Aotearoa New Zealand, 1841 – 1850.” Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies. 25.1 (2021):1-15.

Cruikshank, Margaret. “Geraldine Jewsbury and Jane Carlyle.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 4.3 (1979): 60-64.

France, Peter. “Rivarol, Antoine Rivaroli (1753–1801). The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French. Online version 2005. words

Furneaux, Holly. “Emotional Intertexts: Female Romantic Friendship and the Anguish of Marriage.” Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies. 14.2 (2000): 25-37.

Howe, Susanne. Geraldine Jewsbury. Her Life and Errors. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1935.

Jalland, Pat, Death in the Victorian Family (Oxford, 1996; online edn, Oxford Academic, 3 Oct. 2011),, accessed 26 Mar. 2024.

Jewsbury, Geraldine. Zoe. 1845. Introduction by Shirley Foster. London: Virago P., 1989.

_____. The Half Sisters. 1848. Ed. Joanne Wilkes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

_____. Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle. Ed. Mrs Alexander Ireland. London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1892.

_____. Letters to W.B. D. Mantell. MSS. Mantell Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

KJV: King James Version. Ecclesiastes 11.1-6 KJV., accessed 30 April. 2024.

Kluwick, Ursula. "Aquatic Matter: Water in Victorian Fiction." Open Cultural Studies 3.1 (2019): 245-55.

Law, Jules. The Social Life of Fluids: Blood, Milk and Water in the Victorian Novel. Ithaca NY: Cornell UP, 2010.

Messinger, Gary. Manchester in the Victorian Age. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1985.

Mittlefehldt, Pamela J. “Writing the Waves, Sounding the Depths: Water as Metaphor and Muse.” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 10.1 (2003): 137–42. JSTOR, Accessed 10 June 2023.

Phillips, Amy. “Private Reader, Public Redactor: Narrative Strategies of the Nineteenth-Century Female Revisionist.” Doctoral dissertation, Duquesne University, 2011. Retrieved from

Roberts, Lewis. “‘The production of a female hand’: Professional Writing and the Career of Geraldine Jewsbury. Women’s Writing 12.3 (2005): 399–418.

Rosenberg, Rosalind. Changing the Subject: How the Women of Columbia Shaped the Way We Think About Sex and Politics. Ithaca NY: Columbia UP, 2004,

Seidel, Isabel. “George Eliot, Geraldine Jewsbury and Margaret Oliphant as Reviewers of the British Novel, 1850-1870.” PhD. University of Aberdeen, 2014. 10 June 2023.

Sorrenson, Maurice Peter Keith. “Mantell, Walter Baldock Durrant.” Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. 1990. Web. 31 March 2024.

Stokes, Roy B. "Geraldine Jewsbury (22 August 1812-23 September 1880)." Victorian Novelists Before 1885. Ed. Ira Bruce Nadel and William E. Fredeman, vol. 21, Gale, 1983.190-94. Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography,

Watson, Erica. “Love, Loss, and Water: A Meditation on a Metaphor.” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 21.1 (2014): 71–75. JSTOR,

Wilkes, Joanne. “Walter Mantell, Geraldine Jewsbury, and Race Relations in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of History 22.2 (1988): 105-117.




How to Cite

Connor, H. (2024). Ripples of Water in the Letters and Novels of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury (22 August 1812 – 23 September 1880). Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies, 28(1), 33-46.