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Author Guidelines

All manuscripts are initially pre-screened by the editorial team. Manuscripts that are considered to meet the basic requirements and profile of the journal then undergo double-blind peer review.

Please submit a 'blind' copy of the entire manuscript (e.g., does not include author details). The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives adheres to the American Psychological Association (APA) reference style. We also use APA heading style. Please consult the Author Guidelines document and checklist below.

Author Guidelines  

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • •   Manuscript length (except for book reviews, Community Voices and Creative Wroks sections) is approximately 6,000 words, including tables, figures and references; longer pieces may be considered. 

    •   Details of authors have not been included on the manuscript (to facilitate anonymous review of the article).

    •   Manuscript is not under consideration with any other journal.

  • •   Manuscript is submitted in Word .doc or .docx format.

    •   Text is standard font (e.g. Arial, Times New Roman) at least 11 point and no more than 13 point (except for title and headings) with margins set at between 2.5 and 3 cm.

    •   Lines in the manuscript are one-and-a-half or double-spaced throughout.

    •   Heading levels are clearly marked. This is best achieved by numbering headings (e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1). Up to three orders of headings is acceptable.

  • •   Only the first word and proper nouns in a title are capitalized.

    •   Footnotes have been kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively.

    •   Figures and tables have been integrated into the text. All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively.

  • •   Information is included in the paper concerning ethical clearance provided for the study (if relevant).

  • •   APA style (6th edition) has been used for in text references and reference list (bibliography).

  • •   doi for articles, where available, has been included in the reference list (do not include URL if doi is available).

    •   All hyperlinks from text and references have been removed.

  • •   Metadata details (when submitting article through journal website) have been completed, including: all author and co-author contact and affiliation details, manuscript type, keywords, abstract, and bibliography.

General Refereed Papers

Papers appearing in this section are drawn from the submission received after undergoing double blind peer review and editorial review. Submission is only by the website and requires the author/s to submit according to the requirements laid out in the initial submission pages.

Book Reviews

You can nominate to review a book published in the last two years that is relevant to the Journal. Please contact the book review editor ([email protected]) before beginning to write a review. The book review editor also invites those with relevant expertise to review books that are of interest to the Journal.

Creative Content

Please submit any form (audio-visual, fiction, poetry, etc.) Creative content related to issues of comparative and international education here. If you have any specific queries, please do feel free to liase with our Editorial Team ahead of or upon submission at: [email protected]

Community Voices

This section is intended to highlight voices of the many and varied education actors working in areas of relevance in comparative and international education. We encourage submissions from a range of education practitioners (education leaders, civil society and non-government actors, policy professionals, etcetera), to contribute pieces related to their professional experiences and / or perspectives to wider discussions in the journal.

Contributions in this section will be peer reviewed; the Editorial Team may contact authors to suggest options/suggestions of relevant potential reviewers in cases where we may need assistance in identifying them.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.