Relationship between instructional supervision and professional development


  • Tadele Akalu Tesfaw GFA Consulting Group GmbH
  • Roelande H. Hofman University of Groningen


Instructional supervision, professional development, satisfaction, attitude, teachers’ perception


The main purpose of this study was to examine the existing perceptions of teachers toward instructional supervision in secondary schools of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It also explore if there were differences between beginner and experienced teachers in their attitudes toward and satisfaction with supervisory practices and (possible) relationships with perceived professional development, with a sample of 200 teachers using independent sample t-test, correlation and regression analyses. The results reveal that except for peer coaching and portfolios, the selected supervisory approaches were less frequently practiced in private and government schools. No significant differences were found between beginner and experienced teachers in their attitudes and satisfaction toward supervisory processes practiced at their schools. Moreover, significant weak to moderate positive relationships were found of the actual supervisory approaches, teachers’ attitudes and satisfaction with professional development. However, regression analysis showed that teachers’ attitudes and teachers’ satisfaction are the most important contributors to professional development.

Author Biographies

  • Tadele Akalu Tesfaw, GFA Consulting Group GmbH

    Tadele Akalu Tesfaw obtained his MSc degree in Education: Educational Effectiveness and Instructional Design from the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands. He is currently working as research consultant. His research interests include distributed leadership, school supervision, educational effectiveness, and professional learning community.

  • Roelande H. Hofman, University of Groningen

    Roelande H. Hofman is Associate Professor and senior researcher at GION, Groningen Institute for Educational Research, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Her main research interests are school effectiveness, innovations, school management, and school governance. She is also Director of the International MSc. in Education of the University of Groningen.


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