Teaching science students to communicate: A participatory workshop


  • Susan Rowland The University of Queensland
  • Louise Kuchel The University of Queensland


Communication, teaching, science



The aim of this workshop is to help participants learn how to teach science students to communicate using high impact, simple activities. The workshop will be engaging and participatory; we will learn by doing!


The workshop facilitators have recently completed an edited book for Springer Nature (Rowland & Kuchel, 2022). The book includes a wide variety of practical communication-teaching exercises, which can be easily implemented in existing science courses by science academics. In this workshop, participants will experience a set of these activities; they may include improv theatre, speaking, drawing, writing, listening and argumentation. Bring your enthusiasm and leave your fear of failure at the door.


Participants will learn new techniques and approaches to communicating science. We hope you will be better able to teach your students about how to communicate after you complete this workshop. 


Rowland, S. L. & Kuchel, L. J. (2002). Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide. ISBN: 978-3-030-91627-5. Wien, Austria: Springer Nature.

Author Biographies

  • Susan Rowland, The University of Queensland

    Professor School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Science

  • Louise Kuchel, The University of Queensland

    Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences. Deputy Associate Dean Academic (Students), Faculty of Science


