Things that Liberate: an Australian Feminist Wunderkammer, edited by Alison Bartlett and Margaret Henderson


  • Rebecca Louise Deakin University


Wunderkammer, Feminism, Alison Bartlett, Margaret Henderson, Museum, Archives


Things that Liberate: an Australian Feminist Wunderkammer, edited by Alison Bartlett and Margaret Henderson

Author Biography

  • Rebecca Louise, Deakin University
    Rebecca Louise is a writer, researcher and curator. She is currently completing her PhD at Deakin University. Rebecca's work investigates memory, death and mortality and how these are represented in the image.


How to Cite

Things that Liberate: an Australian Feminist Wunderkammer, edited by Alison Bartlett and Margaret Henderson. (2014). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 13(3).