“Impossible Speech” and the Burden of Translation: Lilian's Story from Page to Screen


  • Alice Mary Healy University of South Australia (Member of ASAL)


Kate Grenville, Bea Miles, Jerzy Domaradzki, Film Adaptation, Cultural Translation, Migrancy, Performativity


“Impossible Speech” and the Burden of Translation: Lilian's Story from Page to Screen

Author Biography

  • Alice Mary Healy, University of South Australia (Member of ASAL)
    Alice Healy has a PhD in Australian Studies from Flinders University of South Australia. Her thesis analyses the adaptation of Australian novels to the screen in the late 1990s and traces patterns of cultural translation. She has taught in a diverse range of areas, including Cultural Studies, Communication Studies, Politics and History. Currently, she is a lecturer in Australian Studies in the Unaipon School, Indigenous College of Education and Research at University of South Australia.

    [email protected]

    Unaipon School
    Indigenous College of Education and Research (ICER)
    University of South Australia
    GPO Box 2471
    Adelaide SA 5001
    Ph: (08) 8302 9280





How to Cite

“Impossible Speech” and the Burden of Translation: Lilian’s Story from Page to Screen. (2006). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 5. https://openjournals.test.library.sydney.edu.au/JASAL/article/view/10177