Illustrating Mobility: Networks of Visual Print Culture and the Periodical Contexts of Modern Australian Writing


  • Victoria Kuttainen James Cook University


Sydney Ure Smith, The Home, The BP Magazine, magazines, illustration, visual print culture, short fiction


This article reviews the illustration history of Australian periodicals to place modern illustrated short stories in this context.  It argues that illustrated periodicals drew on networks of etchers, engravers, printers, promoters, advertisers, authors, and artists that were globally distributed as well as locally contentrated.  As Victorian Studies have experienced a visual turn in the last decade, and as modern periodical studies have also gained momentum, this paper argues that the time is past due to consider Australian Literature in terms of its connections to visual print culture, especially in the peridocial scene. Of the several reasons this article offers to account for persistent oversights of this material in the Australian context, it explores the ways that modern magazines challenge existing paradigms of national literature because of their intensive investments in travel, mobility, and commercial culture. Yet, in their original contexts, illustrated short stories in modern Australian magazines that celebrated these values existed side-by-side with nationalist literature and national brands.

Author Biography

  • Victoria Kuttainen, James Cook University
    Margaret and Colin Roderick Scholar of Comparative Literature and Senior Lecturer in English


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