‘You don’t know that country’: Mapping Space in Randolph Stow’s To the Islands


  • Catherine Noske University of Western Australia


Archive, mapping, Randolph Stow, settler-colonial subjectivity.


In 1959, while stationed in the Trobriand Islands as a Cadet Patrol Officer, Randolph Stow drew a mud-map in the back of his diary, coloured with red and green pastel. Titled ‘Forrest River Mission from Memory,’ it shows the layout of the Mission near Wyndham in the Kimberley, complete with rivers and tributaries, place names in two languages, a scale and a compass rose. This paper suggests that the drawing balances pride in precision of representation of the space with a sense of desire in remembering it across time and from a distance. This paper considers this act of mapping and compares it to the representations of space in Stow’s novel To the Islands (1958). It discusses the manoeuvres it highlights within Stow’s creative practice, and the tension it invokes in relation to his growing consciousness of his own settler-colonial subjectivity.


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Brennan, Bernadette. ‘Introduction’, in Randolph Stow. To the Islands (Text Classics ed.), Melbourne: Text, 2015: vii–xiii.

Falkiner, Suzanne. Mick: A Life of Randolph Stow. Crawley, WA: University of Western Australia Publishing, 2016.

Green, Neville. The Forrest River Massacres, Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1995.

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Smith, Ellen. ‘Queers in Exile: National Library of Australia Fellowship Presentation’ National Library of Australia, May 22, 2019. Available online: https://www.nla.gov.au/stories/audio/queers-in-exile

Stow, Randolph. ‘Forrest River Mission from Memory’, in ‘Notes and Texts’ (journal, back cover). National Library of Australia, MS Acc. 10.128, Box 5, File 37.

---. Personal correspondence (various), National Library of Australia, MS Acc. 10.195, Box 1, File 4.

---. Photographic slides (various), National Library of Australia, MS Acc. 10.128, Box 4, File 21.

---. To the Islands. London: Macdonald and Co., 1958.

---. ‘Preface to the Revised Edition’ in To the Islands (revised edition). Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1981.

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---. To the Islands (Text Classics ed.), Melbourne: Text, 2015.




How to Cite

‘You don’t know that country’: Mapping Space in Randolph Stow’s To the Islands. (2022). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 21(2). https://openjournals.test.library.sydney.edu.au/JASAL/article/view/14988