Staging a Nation: A Review of Two New Works on Australian Playwriting

Julian Meyrick. Australia in 50 Plays, Currency Press, Sydney, 2022. 352 pages. Hardback $39.99. ISBN: 9781760627386 and Chris Hay and Stephen Carleton. Contemporary Australian Playwriting: Re-visioning the Nation on the Mainstage, Routledge, 2023. 300 pages, 7 b/w illustrations. Paperback $59.19, hardback $201.60, eBook $53.59. ISBN 9781032008615


  • Richard Fotheringham University of Queensland


Richard Fotheringham reviews Julian Meyrick's Australia in 50 Plays (2022) and Chris Hay and Stephen Carleton's Contemporary Australian Playwriting: Re-visioning the Nation on the Mainstage (2023).

Author Biography

  • Richard Fotheringham, University of Queensland

    Richard Fotheringham is Emeritus Professor of Theatre History at the University of Queensland. His books include Sport in Australian Drama (Cambridge University Press, 1992), In Search of Steele Rudd (UQP, 1995), and Australian Plays for the Colonial Stage: 1834–1899 (Aust Academy of the Humanities/UQP, 2006).



2023-08-10 — Updated on 2023-10-24




Review Essays