Strange Works

A Review of Linda Weste, The Verse Novel: Australia & New Zealand. Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, 2022. 182 pages. AU $44 ISBN: 9781922669230; ISBN10: 1922669237


  • Philip Mead University of Western Australia


Philip Mead reviews Linda Westes' The Verse Novel: Australia & New Zealand (2022).

Author Biography

  • Philip Mead, University of Western Australia

    Philip Mead was inaugural Chair of Australian Literature at the University of Western Australia (2009–2018). He is currently Emeritus Professor, University of Western Australia, and Honorary Professorial Fellow in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne. In 1991 he co-edited, with John Tranter, The Penguin Book of Modern Australian Poetry. In 2008 Philip published Networked Language: Culture and History in Australian Poetry, and in 2018 Antipodal Shakespeare: Remembering and Forgetting in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, 1916–2016 (with Gordon McMullan. London: Arden/Bloomsbury) and The Social Work of Narrative: Human Rights and the Cultural Imaginary (ed. with Gareth Griffiths. Hannover: Ibidem/Columbia University Press).

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Review Essays