David Carter (editor). The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel

Cambridge University Press, 2023. 750 pages. AUD$236.95 ISBN 9781316514856 Hardback


  • Samuel Cox


Samuel Cox reviews The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel, edited by David Carter.

Author Biography

  • Samuel Cox

    Samuel Cox is a researcher at the University of Adelaide. Engaging with ecocritical, ecomaterialist approaches and existing criticism, his research traces the (geo)poetics of dust to unravel ideas of place, space and arid environments in Australian literature. He is also a photographer and youth worker. His work has been published in The Saltbush Review and Westerly, with two further forthcoming publications in ALS and Motifs. Samuel won the University of Adelaide’s Heather Kerr Prize and ASAL’s A. D. Hope Prize in 2022.




How to Cite

David Carter (editor). The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel : Cambridge University Press, 2023. 750 pages. AUD$236.95 ISBN 9781316514856 Hardback. (2025). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 24(1). https://openjournals.test.library.sydney.edu.au/JASAL/article/view/20440