'A Kind of Aladdin Cave': Women, Space and Text in the Western Australian Novels of E. L. Grant Watson


  • Angeline O'Neill The University of Notre Dame


E.L. Grant Watson, landscape, bush, feminine, masculine


This paper traces the impact of Watson's experiences in Western Australia on the development of his thought, by reference to his short story 'Out There', and his novels The Partners and The Nun and the Bandit, focussing on his representation of the desert and bush landscapes as 'opposites', the opposition between male and female, between female and 'feminine' and between the civilised and primitive self.




How to Cite

’A Kind of Aladdin Cave’: Women, Space and Text in the Western Australian Novels of E. L. Grant Watson. (2013). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 58-63. https://openjournals.test.library.sydney.edu.au/JASAL/article/view/9507