'What's Haunting Dead Europe?' Trauma Fiction as a Reaction to Postmodern Governmentality


  • Michael Vaughan


Christos Tsiolkas, Dead Europe, postmodernism


The ghosts of Christos Tsiolkas’ Dead Europe have been a key focus of its critical reception. This article offers an alternative reading of these ghosts, arguing that Tsiolkas writes trauma fiction to challenge the totalising discourse of postmodern governmentality, to assert the impossibility of an end to history, and to write fiction which haunts its readers to enact an ethical relationship with the traumatic past.

Author Biography

  • Michael Vaughan
    Honours Graduate Department of English University of Sydney




How to Cite

’What’s Haunting Dead Europe?’ Trauma Fiction as a Reaction to Postmodern Governmentality. (2012). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 11(2). https://openjournals.test.library.sydney.edu.au/JASAL/article/view/9807