The Last Romantic: Laurie Clancy’s Nabokov


  • Stephen Knight University of Melbourne


Laurie Clancy


To be submitted

Author Biography

  • Stephen Knight, University of Melbourne
    Stephen Knight, from Wales via Oxford, for long taught English at the University of Sydney, then at Melbourne (with some Clancy cricket encounters), and worked back in the UK for twenty years before retiring and returning with his wife Margaret to Melbourne and their children, and also to a Vice Chancellor’s Fellowship, apparently for research. He has written books and many essays on medieval and modern literature, being mostly interested in the non-canonical, such as Robin Hood, crime fiction and currently G. W.M. Reynolds who like Nabokov despised bourgeois English fiction.




How to Cite

The Last Romantic: Laurie Clancy’s Nabokov. (2014). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 14(4).