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Author Guidelines

Before you begin the submission process, please review our journal policies and download our Author Agreement (pdf, 70KB). Once you have submitted your article through the online process, you must email us your completed Author Agreement.

Note: This submission process is for articles. To submit a proposal to author a Before the High Court ('BTHC') column, book review or review essay, please email the Sydney Law Review. For information about authoring a BTHC column, review our Before the High Court Author Guide (pdf, 54KB).

1. Article submissions must have a substantive connection to the Australian legal system.

2. We accept article submissions of 10,000–15,000 words (including Abstract, footnotes and referencing). Articles over 15,000 words will not be considered.

3. Submissions must be in Microsoft Word format. Body text should use 1.5 spacing and font Times New Roman 12pt. Footnotes should use single spacing and font Times New Roman 10pt.

4. Tables, charts, figures etc must each have a title and be provided in an editable format using font Times New Roman 9pt.

5. Submissions must conform to the latest edition of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation.

6. Spelling must comply with the latest edition of the Macquarie Dictionary. The Sydney Law Review is committed to the use of gender-neutral language.

7. The Sydney Law Review does not consider submissions that either are currently under consideration with, or have been substantially published in, any other publication. This policy includes online publication of a finished piece (including institutional repositories and SSRN). If an exposure or comment draft has been published online, the Sydney Law Review will only consider the piece for publication if it has been substantially rewritten since.

8. The Sydney Law Review does not usually accept submissions originally written as assessments (such as Honours theses or essays written for a coursework LLM unit) as these do not generally meet the Review’s requirements for originality and substantial contribution to legal scholarship.

9. Submissions must include an abstract of 100–200 words that clearly indicates the original contribution to legal scholarship made by the submission. Submissions must also include at least four keywords to accurately describe the content and aid the indexing of submissions selected for publication.

10. The author name(s) should appear under the title of the article, with a biography footnote(s) giving the present position(s) and a contact email address.

11. Submissions must acknowledge any relevant ethics approval at the end of the author biography footnote(s) by citing the approving body or person, as well as the approval number and/or date.

12. Submissions must acknowledge any relevant research grant or funding at the end of the author biography footnote(s) by citing the relevant grant or funding information including the funding body or person, as well as any grant number and/or title. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission is an original work and is NOT currently under consideration with or substantially published in any other journal or publication (including institutional repositories and SSRN).
  • The submission has been prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines.
  • The author/s have downloaded and completed the Author Agreement.
  • The author/s acknowledge that the journal may use plagiarism detection software to check the manuscript.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.