
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Download the extended abstract template with author guidelines for each submission category (e.g. Paper, Symposium, Workshop, Poster) from the conference website submission information page. Use the appropriate template to format your submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  • The abstract has been prepared using the downloadable template from the conference website.
  • The abstract adheres to the specified word limit in the author instructions on the conference website.
  • Any diagrams or figures created in programs other than Microsoft Word are gif, tiff or jpeg images and placed at the appropriate place in the text (not at the end of the file).

  • If accepted for presentation at the conference, I agree to the publication of this abstract in the peer-reviewed, open-access STEM 2022 Conference Proceedings.


Symposium extended abstracts are peer-reviewed. They must be only ONE collated document that includes:

  • A 200-word overview of the symposium written by the symposium organize
  • Collated paper extended abstracts. Each paper extended abstract should not exceed 400 words (author names and affiliations not included in the word count. References and headings are included in the word count).

Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word. Do not submit as a pdf file. Do not use EndNote for referencing.


Abstracts submitted for paper presentations at the conference are peer-reviewed. An abstract for an individual paper presentation cannot exceed 400 words. Author names and affiliations are not included in the word count. Refefnces and headings are included in the word count. Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word. Do not submit as a pdf file. Do not use EndNote for referencing.


Workshop abstracts are peer-reviewed. They must not exceed 400 words (author names and affiliations not included in the word count. References and headings are included in the word count). Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word. Do not submit as a pdf file. Do not use EndNote for referencing.


Poster abstracts are peer-reviewed. They must not exceed 400 words (author names and affiliations not included in the word count. References and headings are included in the word count). Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word. Do not submit as a pdf file. Do not use EndNote for referencing.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.