‘The Elephant Has Left the Room’: Jacket magazine and the Internet


  • John Tranter University of Sydney


Jacket magazine, poetry, magazine, internet, Literature Board, publication,


Australian poet John Tranter trained in all aspects of publishing, from hand-lettering to editing, from litho platemaking to screen printing, and developed an early familiarity with computers. The development of the Internet in the 1990s found him armed with a formidable array of skills. He published the free international Internet-only magazine <em>Jacket</em> single-handed in 1997. Jacket quickly grew to become the most widely read and highly respected literary magazine ever published from Australia. In late 2010 John Tranter gave it to the University of Pennsylvania, where it continues to flourish. This memoir traces John Tranter’s publication of literary materials on the Internet including the technical and literary problems faced by <em>Jacket</em>, and outlines the many other projects that resulted in the Internet publication of over fifty thousand mostly Australian poems, articles, reviews, interviews and photographs.

Author Biography

  • John Tranter, University of Sydney
    Honorary Associate School of Letters, Art and Media University of Sydney NSW 2006


How to Cite

‘The Elephant Has Left the Room’: Jacket magazine and the Internet. (2012). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 12(1). https://openjournals.test.library.sydney.edu.au/JASAL/article/view/10170